
Showing posts from March, 2020


Disorders   like autism are considered as Sahaja vyadhi according to Ayurveda which means diseases appearing from birth itself. These diseases arise due to factors transferred from parents and it can be considered as genetic disorders. ETIOLOGY AND PROGRESSION OF DISEASE Autism can be considered as a thridoshaja disease(disease occur due to vitiation of all three doshas) which affects prakruthi of body and mind within garbhashaya itself. Thamoguna of Kapha causes vishada(depression),budhinirodha(problems with intellect), etc. Chala guna of vatha results in stereotypic movements. Rajoguna of pitha cause krodha(anger), self hurting nature, etc. Ayurveda considers the mind has both sensory and motor functions, abnormality of mind results in improper motor and sensory functions. prevention and treatment methods Ayurveda believes the prevention of disease is more important than cure. For autism, prevention can be achieved through three stages such as prevention before consump