Ayurveda Cure For Back Pain
Low back is a well-engineered structure of bones, nerves, and joints
etc. that provide support, strength and flexibility. Soft tissue
injuries and mechanical issues, muscle or ligament strain etc. are the
causes of low back pain. The pains can be of different types such as
pain that travels to the buttocks, legs and feet, pain that is worse
after prolonged sitting, pain that feel better when changing positions,
pains that are worse after waking up etc.
It is the condition that occurs when the bone and cartilages undergo
wear and tear. The causes of this condition involve bone spurs,
dehydrated spinal disk, herniated disks, injury etc. The risk factors
include neck injuries, work related activities, holding neck in an
uncomfortable position for longer periods, genetics, smoking etc. The
pain might increase while standing, sitting, sneezing, coughing etc.
Degenerative disk disorder
Degenerative disk disorder occurs on the cervical spine or the lumbar
back (lower back) . The indicator of degenerative disk disorder is low
continuous that flares up into severe pain, increased pain when bending
or twisting, difficulty in movement, muscle tension or spasm...
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